Darlington Young Carers (DISC)

The Darlington Young Carers Service supports young people and their families to reduce the impact of caring and ensure that young people are entitled to the same opportunities as their peers and can achieve their full potential.

Young Carers

A young carer is someone aged under 16 years old who has a caring role for someone, maybe a family member or a friend. Some of the tasks and responsibilities within a caring role could be:

  • Regular household tasks – cleaning, washing, cooking
  • Responsibility for food shopping and paying bills
  • Helping with personal care – changing dressings, wound care
  • Helping with sibling care – looking after a brother or sister when they are ill, explaining situations to siblings, babysitting
  • Emotional care and support for the cared person – checking they are ok, constantly worrying about their health, keeping them company

DISC can offer various advice and support for young carers, such as:

  • One to One Support
  • Activities, Support Groups and Respite
  • Information, Advice and Guidance
  • Whole Family Support
  • Advocacy
  • Carers Breaks and Carers Discount Cards

For more information about this service please contact:

Tel:        01325 483038
Email:  dyc@disc-vol.org.uk


DISC Darlington Young Carers
Unit 2B Enterprise House
Valley Street North

Further information can be found by access the following links:

Darlington Borough Council (Young Carers)

Humankind – Darlington Young Carers