Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)

Here are some useful Foreign Language websites – perhaps you could try learning some words in a Foreign language while you’re at home.


At Firthmoor Primary School, we believe that learning a foreign language broadens children’s horizons, develops self-confidence and fosters tolerance towards others.

The main language taught in school is French, and classes from Years 3 to 6 benefit from a weekly lesson taught either by the class teacher or a visiting French specialist.

Lessons focus on developing children’s skills in the four main areas of language learning: speaking, listening, reading and writing.  There are also opportunities for children to find out more about French culture and traditions.

Repetition and practice are essential in language learning so lessons are fun and interactive, with children having the chance to take part in role play, sing songs, play games and perform actions.

There is progression in the work produced with the expectation that as children progress through Key Stage 2, they will build upon recalling and recognising words at the simple level to use more complex phrases and sentences in their spoken and written work.


Firthmoor Primary School – Long Term Plan for Modern Foreign Languages